
Ways to Make 5 and 10 Numbers Mats

In this blog post, I am going to share my ways to make 5 and 10 number mats! This decomposing numbers freebie is perfect for students to practice showing the different ways to make 5 and 10 using objects.

Let’s Decompose 5 and 10

Free decomposing numbers 5 and 10 math mats. Students make 5 or 10 using cubes and write a number sentence. You can use this hands-on math activity during morning work, math centers, or homework.

In class, we have been focusing on the ways to decompose 5 and 10. We want students to develop fluency and that means that they are able to know the ways to decompose 5 without counting. Before doing this, they need experience decomposing!

This is activity can be used as a math center activity or a hands-on homework activity for students that need extra practice.

A big component of decomposing is knowing that two parts make a whole. I recommend that you have students use two different colored objects. This way students can see 3 and 2 make 5.

Ways to Make 10: A Partner Activity

Free decomposing numbers 5 and 10 math mats. Students make 5 or 10 using cubes and write a number sentence. You can use this hands-on math activity during morning work, math centers, or homework.

To make this a partner activity, have students pick a number mat, build the number, write the missing number, and share how they decomposed the number with a partner.

Free decomposing numbers 5 and 10 math mats. Students make 5 or 10 using cubes and write a number sentence. You can use this hands-on math activity during morning work, math centers, or homework.

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Happy Teaching!


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