Tips for Teaching Word Problems
One of the most challenging topics we cover in first grade and kindergarten is solving word problems. Students struggle with comprehension and using a strategy to figure out who to solve. Here are a few ways to tips for teaching word problems.
Tip #1: Use Hands-On Manipulatives
Manipulatives such as blocks, counters, or even small toys will help students visualize and understand the quantities and act out the actions described in the word problem.

Tip #2: Incorporate Movement
Incorporating movement into word problem lessons can make them more engaging and memorable for students. For example, students can act out the word problems to see combining and taking from.
Tip#3: Use Real-life Examples
Help students see the relevance of word problems by using relatable scenarios.
Tip #4: Use Visual Aids
Visual aids such as pictures, number bonds, or ten frames can be helpful for students as they learn to solve word problems. These aids can help students visualize the quantities and the process of solving the problem.
Check out Word Problems Using Multiple Strategie Bundle if you want more word problems. This resource is extensive. All of the different types of word problems are included. This resource contains no-prep printables, a digital activity, and a center activity.
Click here for more tips for teaching word problems.
Happy Teaching,