
The Best Letter-Writing Books

Letter writing is not just a way to convey messages; it’s a powerful tool for self-expression and connection. Some think letter writing is a dying art, but we still use letter writing in our digital communication.

I’ve curated a list of the best books that seamlessly integrate the art of letter writing into their narratives. 

The Jolly Postman by Allan Ahlberg and Janet Ahlberg

This whimsical and interactive picture book takes you on an enchanting journey as the Jolly Postman delivers letters to familiar fairy tale characters. Children learn the joy of written communication through interactive envelopes containing letters, postcards, and even invitations. This book is my favorite letter-writing book because it’s a class favorite. 

Dear Mr. Blueberry by Simon James

In this heartwarming tale, a young girl writes letters to her teacher, Mr. Blueberry, to share her observations about a whale she believes lives in her pond. This book highlights the letter-writing process and fosters imagination, friendship, and curiosity.

The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt

This classic humorous story portrays crayons writing letters to their owner, Duncan, expressing their grievances. The creative use of letters in the narrative engages children while teaching them the art of expressing opinions through writing.

Letters from Felix: A Little Rabbit on a World Tour  by Annette Langen

Follow Felix, the rabbit, as he travels worldwide, sending letters to his owner, Sophie. This interactive book features envelopes with actual letters, postcards, and souvenirs, providing a captivating way to explore different cultures.

Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin

This hilarious story follows a group of cows that type messages to their farmer, demanding better working conditions. This book is a class favorite! 

Can I Be Your Dog? by Troy Cummings

This heartwarming picture book introduces us to Arfy, a mutt who needs a home. Arfy writes letters to people in his community pleading his case about why they should take him in. 

Letter Writing Freebie

After reading these books, your students will want to write their letters to each other. You can download a free letter-writing template for your classroom.  

Free letter writing paper

Click here to learn how you can incorporate letter writing during the holidays.

Happy Teaching,


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