
The Best Kindergarten Measurement Math Centers

Here are some fun, hands-on measurement math center activities! We usually teach measurement at the end of the year, after addition and subtraction! My students love measurement activities because they have fun comparing different objects (and themselves!) using engaging activities! They’re so much fun, and they can’t believe it’s math.

In Kindergarten, we want students to compare the length of objects using longer and shorter using non-standard measuring tools such as cubes, links, and other tools. The objective is for students to be able to describe the attributes of objects using measurement. This is tricky for most students! Some students will say bigger instead of longer. These activities will get students to discuss objects using the correct measurement terms!

Aligned Correctly or Incorrectly?

Students sort by whether the pictures show how to correctly align two objects to measure and how to incorrectly align two objects to measure.

Measure and Record

Students find, measure, and draw objects that are longer, shorter, or the same as ten cubes.

Pick and Compare

Students will pick two objects and compare them by saying which is longer and which is shorter.

Taller and Shorter Than 10 Cubes

Students find objects that are shorter than ten cubes.

Carry the Load

Students will sort the objects according to the rule.

Paper Measurement

Students will measure the length of different strips of paper.

Count and Compare

Students will count and build cube towers. Then, they will compare the towers to determine which is the longest. 

Estimate and Measure

Students will pick an object, estimate how long it is, measure it, and record the actual length.

Measure My Hand

Students will measure and compare their hand to the hand of a partner. 

Shoe Length

Students will measure the length of their shoes using cubes. They will compare their shoes with the shoes of their peers.

Jump, Measure, and Compare

Students will compare how far they jumped with how far their peers jumped. 

How Tall Are You?

Students will measure and compare their heights with each other.

How Long is Your Name?

Students will build the length of their names with the length of the names of their peers.

Blow and Measure

Students will blow a cup across the table and measure how far it went.

Measure Around the Room

Students will measure various objects around the room.

Measuring String

Students will measure the length of different strings.

Language Building Support

Here are some additional support for students that may need it!

Grab these activities

Grab these hands-on measurement math center activities here.

Measurement Numbers Math Center Freebie

You can never have too many math center activities. Here’s a freebie from my Measurement Math Center packet. You can grab this low-prep activity by completing the form below. 

What do you do to teach students how to describe the measurable attributes of objects? Let me know in the comments section below!

Happy Teaching,


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  1. Your two buttons at the bottom for the freebie and the purchase button do not work. Just thought I would let you know!

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