
The Best Fiction and Non-Fiction Turkey Books

Here’s a list of my favorite fiction and non-fiction turkey books. There are so many funny and engaging books out there that I want to share. 

You can read turkey books all year, but if you want to capitalize on the Thanksgiving holiday, this list is for you. 

For this list, I decided to use EPIC! Books. EPIC! Books is an online digital library with over 40,000 book selections. It is also free for teachers, so you don’t have to purchase or go to your local library to find these books.  There are a TON of turkey tales so these are the ones that I found for free online.

I’m not affiliated with Epic!, I love the free service they provide for teachers. 

The Best Fiction Turkey Books 

Turkey Tots by George Shannon- Turkey Tot and friends want some juicy blackberries hanging high above them, and they work together to figure out how to grab them. 

After students read the book, they can invent a device that can reach the blackberries. This book could lead to a fun and collaborative STEAM activity.

How to Catch a Turkey by Adam Wallace and Andy Elkhart – A turkey is loose in the school. The students race around the school to catch it.

There Was a Turkey on the Farm by Valeri Gorbachav – A lonely turkey wants a friend and goes on a journey to find someone. 

The Best Non-Fiction Turkey Books

Animals on the Farm by Kari Schuetz – Learn what life is like on the farm for a turkey. 

Backyard Wildlife: Wild Turkeys by Kristin Schuetz – Students will learn about turkeys that live in the wild. 

To extend this activity, students can compare turkeys on a farm to wild ones. 

Gobble, Gobble by Cathryn Falwell – An illustrative non-fiction book about turkeys throughout the seasons. 

If you need writing prompts for emerging writers, check out these resources

Happy Teaching, 


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