
Telling Time Using Hands-on Math Centers

Let’s talk about how to teach telling time to primary students!

My students love learning about time…they see it as a “break” from more rigorous math concepts, such as word problems and decomposing numbers.

Hands-on math center activities for telling time. Perfect for math centers, math rotations and small group instruction.

What do students need to know?

The goal is for students to be able to tell time and write time in the hour and half hours using digital and analog clocks.

Teaching time can be tricky…all students have a concept of time but we’re introducing the content-specific words like a.m./p.m., minute hand and hour hand, analog and digital. So, students need many opportunities to explore time in a context they understand it (i.e., talking about what they do in the a.m. and p.m.) and using an analog clock to show the time.

Telling Time Activities

These activities will provide your students with hands-on learning experiences to tell and write time using digital and analog clocks.

Build a Clock

What better way to introduce an analog clock than to have students t build one!

Build a clock - Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

Show the Hour

Students pick a card and show the hour.

Show the Hour - Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

What Time is it?

Students pick a card and show the hour or half-past on the clock.

Write the time - Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

Flip and Draw

Students flip the card and draw the time.

Flip and draw the time - Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

Spin and Cover

Students spin the spinner and cover the time on the clock mat.

Spin and cover the time - Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

Sort it Out – Hour v. Half an Hour

Students sort the time to an hour and a half an hour.

Sort it Out – A.M. v. P.M.

Students sort the pictures by activities they do in the morning and evening.

Sort activities in the a.m. and p.m. - Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

There’s another version to this game that my students loved – they drew pictures of activities they did in a day and then sorted them!

Draw and sort activities you do in the a.m. and p.m. - Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

Spin and Show

Students spin the spinner, draw and write the time.

Spin and show the time -Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

Roll and Read

Students roll the die, pick a time to read in the column and cover it with an object.

Roll and read the time - Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

Telling Time Puzzle #1

Students match the time with the correct clock.

Telling time puzzle - Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

Telling Time Puzzle #2

Telling time puzzle - Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

Students match the analog clock with the correct digital clock.


Who doesn’t love BINGO! Students pick a card, read the time, and cover it on their board game. The first person to get 3 in a row wins.

Telling time BINGO - Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

Race Around the Clock

Students flip a card and move forward or back on the clock based on the card’s directions. Then, they record the time.

Race the clock telling time game - Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

Flip and Draw

Students flip a card and draw a picture of the time.

Flip and draw the time - Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

1 Hour Before, 1 Hour After

Show 1 hour before and 1 hour after - Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

Students pick a card and draw the time 1 hour before and 1 hour after.

Roll and Draw – Board Game

Roll and Draw telling time game - Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

Students roll the die, move to that number of spaces. The time they land on is the time they show on the clock.

Roll and Show – Board Game

Roll and show telling time game - Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

Students roll the die, move to that number of spaces. The time they land on is the time they show on the digital clock.

Vocabulary Strip

Picture vocabulary strips to help students remember the definitions of important time vocabulary.

Telling time vocabulary words - Hands-on telling time math center activities for first grade students.

Sort Worksheet – Hour and Half an Hour

Students sort the pictures by clocks that show the hour and clocks that show half an hour.

Sort Worksheet – Activities in the A.M. and P.M.

Students sort the pictures by activities in the a.m. and p.m.

Time Booklet

Students create a booklet about their day by recording the time, drawing a picture, and writing a detailed sentence.

That’s all I got! How do you teach time in your classroom? Let me know in the comments section below!

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Telling Time Math Center Freebie

You can never have too many math center activities. Here’s a freebie from my Telling Time Math Center packet. You can grab this low-prep activity by completing the form below. 

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    How do you teach place value in your classroom? Let me know in the comment section below.

    Happy Teaching!

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    1. I love the idea of Roll and Draw. It’s such a fun way to assess how far they understand the time by the hour and half past. I am planning to use it as a pair work. Thank you, KinderTeacher! You have saved my time to create games from scratch.

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