Teaching Empathy and Selflessness Using Those Shoes

One of my favorite read-aloud is Maribelt Boelt’s Those Shoes. It’s a story about empathy and selflessness written through the lens of a child named Jeremey, who wants a pair of ultra-cool and ultra-expensive shoes everyone seems to have. 

Book Summary

Jeremy learns there is no room for wants, but this answer does not dim his desire to get those shoes. By the end of the story, Jeremy learns that the opportunity to help someone in need is all he ever wanted. 

After reading the book, allow students to share their thoughts. They can share their opinion about whether Jeremy made the right decision or what they would have done if they were him.

I’ve read this book during the holidays, around Thanksgiving and Christmas, to share what we want versus what we need. It’s a great reminder to focus on what we can give others versus what others can give us. However, since it is non-thematic, you can read this book anytime during the school year. 

Needs v. Wants

It’s hard to distinguish what you need versus what you want (especially for little learners)! They can practice identifying the difference using this sorting activity. Students color, cut, sort, and glue the pictures under the correct column. 

What is a social-emotional book that you like to read to your students? Let me know in the comments section. 

Happy Teaching,


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