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Sorting Worksheets for all Content Areas (FREEBIE included!)

Sorting is a very important concept to teach primary students. Here are some reasons why you should teach it and some resources you could use.

By sorting, students will:

  • Learn how things are alike and different
  • Develop numerical concepts
  • Enhance vocabulary development
  • Develop their analytical skills

Why have primary students sort?

Sorting and classifying objects not only teaches students about relationships between concepts and attributes but also stimulates thinking logically and applying rules.

Sort Worksheets - No Prep - Perfect for centers and assessements

What’s included?

Each worksheet comes with an I CAN statement (on the worksheet), sorting mat, sort pictures, and an answer key. Most sorts come with a challenge question that allows students that are ready additional practice with the concept you are working on.

Sort Worksheets - Hands-on sort worksheets for primary students

I usually use these sorts after I have taught a lesson or unit so I mostly use them for assessments. However, I have used these worksheets during reading and math centers. I also use them to review concepts or skills that I have taught in the past.

I always model how to complete each sort first before allowing the students to do it independently. First, I explain the categories. The categories are the concepts they are sorting.  Then, I would read and review the vocabulary words to make sure students understand the pictures/photographs.

No Prep sort worksheets for primary students

Last, we go over logistical stuff. We discuss how we shouldn’t cut out all the pictures because we might lose them, so we should cut them out one at a time and how to glue using “dot not a lot” (very important concepts in kindergarten!) and how the boxes are squares so we cut on the line! Since we usually complete sort worksheets, I only have to explain how to use these worksheets once!  Color, sort, glue! Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

No Prep Sort Worksheets

When to use sort worksheets

There is a variety of sorting worksheets across different subjects! There are reading, grammar, math, social studies, social skills, preschool, and science. Here are some ideas:

Assessments – At the end of a unit, I have students complete a sorting worksheet to see if they have mastered the skill that I taught them.

Literacy Centers – The phonics worksheets can be used during literacy centers. For the phonics worksheets, you can laminate and put in a center for repeated practice.

Math Centers – Some of the math worksheets you can use in a math center. You can print and laminate and put it in a center. You can also have students complete some sorts in their math journals.


Try it Free!

Click here for a FREE sorting worksheet. Also, check out more sorting worksheets in my TpT store.

If you want a BIG discount, consider purchasing THE BUNDLE! You get over 60+ sorting worksheets at the fraction of the cost!

If you love having your students sort concepts, check out this blog post about sorting beginning sounds by clicking on the image.

Free Beginning Sounds Sort Worksheets

What are some other ways you use sorts in your classroom? Please share in the comment section below. I can’t wait to read your ideas!

Happy Teaching,


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