One More, One Less Math Center Activities

This blog post is about math facts! These activities are perfect for reinforcing 1 more, 1 less, 0 more, and 0 less by engaging them using hands-on math centers.

Hands-on math center activities for teaching one more, one less! Let students explore adding 1 and taking away 1 by playing partner games, building with manipulatives and acting out word problems.  These activities are perfect for small group instruction or math center activities.

Teach 1 More and 1 Less

In kindergarten, students begin to learn addition and subtraction. Students explore concepts of 1 more and 1 less through acting out stories, using manipulatives, and drawing pictures. We don’t want students to memorize 1+1 is the same as 2 but through exploration gain a visual and conceptual understanding of what those terms mean.  

With these activities, students will explore 1 more, 1 less, 0 more and 0 less with hands-on exploration and by writing equations. The goal is for students to learn that 1 more is the next number and 1 less is the prior number. Students also learn that adding 0 does not change the number as well as taking away 0 does not change the number.

Students will gain an understanding of 1 more/ 1 less through repeated practice using a variety of learning tools. With an assortment of learning opportunities, primary students will begin to fluently add 1 more / 1 less.

Act it Out!

Hands-on math center activities for teaching one more, one less! Let students explore adding 1 and taking away 1 by playing partner games, building with manipulatives and acting out word problems.  These activities are perfect for small group instruction or math center activities.

Students act out 1 more / 1 fewer word problems and write a matching equation.

Flip and Build

Flip a card, build the number using a ten frame and write a matching equation.

Hands-on math center activities for teaching one more, one less! Let students explore adding 1 and taking away 1 by playing partner games, building with manipulatives and acting out word problems.  These activities are perfect for small group instruction or math center activities.

Build it Towers!

Students further develop the concept of 1 more and 1 less by building a tower and adding 1 more or 1 less and writing an equation.

Hands-on math center activities for teaching one more, one less! Let students explore adding 1 and taking away 1 by playing partner games, building with manipulatives and acting out word problems.  These activities are perfect for small group instruction or math center activities.

Just 1 More BINGO

A spin on the classic game, BINGO. After hearing the problem, students find the answer on their board game.

Hands-on math center activities for teaching one more, one less! Let students explore adding 1 and taking away 1 by playing partner games, building with manipulatives and acting out word problems.  These activities are perfect for small group instruction or math center activities.

Just 1 Less BINGO

This game is great for building fact fluency. If you have students that struggle with adding 1 more and taking away 1, away them to use a ten frame or connecting cubes to help them solve.

Hands-on math center activities for teaching one more, one less! Let students explore adding 1 and taking away 1 by playing partner games, building with manipulatives and acting out word problems.  These activities are perfect for small group instruction or math center activities.

Roll and Cover 1 More

Students roll the die and cover 1 more than the number displayed.

Hands-on math center activities for teaching one more, one less! Let students explore adding 1 and taking away 1 by playing partner games, building with manipulatives and acting out word problems.  These activities are perfect for small group instruction or math center activities.

Puzzle Match-Up

Who doesn’t love a puzzle game? Students match the number to the equation or picture.

1 More, 1 Less Puzzle
Processed with MOLDIV

Fishy Math!

Students represent the equation on a lake using manipulatives as fish. Then they record the equation.

Hands-on math center activities for teaching one more, one less! Let students explore adding 1 and taking away 1 by playing partner games, building with manipulatives and acting out word problems.  These activities are perfect for small group instruction or math center activities.

1 More Board Game

This is a great partner game. Students flip over a card and solve it. If they answer correctly, they can move their token 1 space. The player to get to the finish line first wins!

Hands-on math center activities for teaching one more, one less! Let students explore adding 1 and taking away 1 by playing partner games, building with manipulatives and acting out word problems.  These activities are perfect for small group instruction or math center activities.

1 Less Board Game

Another 2 player game. Students flip over a card, solve it and move their token if they answer correctly.

Hands-on math center activities for teaching one more, one less! Let students explore adding 1 and taking away 1 by playing partner games, building with manipulatives and acting out word problems.  These activities are perfect for small group instruction or math center activities.

Mystery Bag

My students love count around the room activities, especially when they get to be detectives! Students count the objects in the mystery bag and record how many on a recording sheet. Then, they add 1 more and write the new equation.

Hands-on math center activities for teaching one more, one less! Let students explore adding 1 and taking away 1 by playing partner games, building with manipulatives and acting out word problems.  These activities are perfect for small group instruction or math center activities.

Race to 10

Rev up those engines! Students roll a die and move their token 1 more (up) or 1 less (back). This is a great way for students to see 1 more is the next number and 1 less is the number before it.

Hands-on math center activities for teaching one more, one less! Let students explore adding 1 and taking away 1 by playing partner games, building with manipulatives and acting out word problems.  These activities are perfect for small group instruction or math center activities.

Spin, Solve and Write

Students spin the spinner to create an equation to solve. They use manipulatives or drawings to show how they solved it.

Hands-on math center activities for teaching one more, one less! Let students explore adding 1 and taking away 1 by playing partner games, building with manipulatives and acting out word problems.  These activities are perfect for small group instruction or math center activities.

Subitizing Card Game

Here’s a great enrichment activity! Students count and record how many dots are on a card, add 1 more and record the sum.

Hands-on math center activities for teaching one more, one less! Let students explore adding 1 and taking away 1 by playing partner games, building with manipulatives and acting out word problems.  These activities are perfect for small group instruction or math center activities.

Memory Match – 1 More

Another classic game! Students match the equation with the sum.

Memory matching game - 1 more, 1 less - math center activity

Memory Match – 1 Less

Students match the equation with the difference.

Hands-on math center activities for teaching one more, one less! Let students explore adding 1 and taking away 1 by playing partner games, building with manipulatives and acting out word problems.  These activities are perfect for small group instruction or math center activities.

Counting Book

Counting books are perfect for having students use drawings to model an addition or subtraction equation.

Apples – Take away counting book

Fish in the sea – addition counting book

Do you like this resource? You can purchase it by clicking the link below.

Math Facts Numbers Math Center Freebie

You can never have too many math center activities. Here’s a freebie from my Math Facts Math Center packet. You can grab this low-prep activity by completing the form below. 

How do you build math facts fluency in your classroom? Let me know in the comment section below.

Happy Teaching!


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  1. Hi! I know this is an older post, but is this resource still available? I didn’t see it in your TPT shop and the link wasn’t working.

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