More Strategies and Activities to Teach Measurement
Here are some strategies and activities to teach measurement in kindergarten. My students love this unit because they get to measure the length of different objects around the room and their bodies.
Here are a few strategies and activities you could use.
Tip #1: Start with Non-Standard Units
Non-standard units, such as cubes or paper clips, can be used to introduce students to measurement. Students can compare the size of objects using these non-standard units and learn to estimate and measure length, width, and height.
Measure and Record was a huge hit in my class. Students build a tower of 10 cubes and measure objects they find to figure out how many cubes long it is. To make it collaborative and to get them talking about math, partner them up!

Tip #2: Use hands-on activities
Hands-on activities, such as sorting and comparing objects by size, can be engaging and fun ways for students to practice measuring.
Jump, Measure, and Compare is an interactive activity that’s lots of fun! Students jump and measure the length of their jump using non-standard units like cubes, index cards, or links. After that, they compare each other’s jumps using the “longer” and “shorter.”

Tip #3: Use Real-Life Examples
Help students see how we use measurement in the real world by having them measure objects they can relate to, such as measuring the length of their bodies, shoes, or names.
My students LOVED comparing the length of their names with each other. Teachers will appreciate how many skills students practice, including measuring, counting, cardinality, and comparing quantities.

Let’s Measure!
Click here to get 18 low-prep measurement activities! These activities are engaging. They will measure the length of the name, shoe, body, and much more. There are plenty of activities for a whole group and small group instruction.
Grab the measurement math center packet here.
This blog post gave you ideas and activities to teach measurement. Let me know in the comments section if you have any other strategies.