Learn At Home Expectations Freebie
It looks like most students will learn at home for the first few weeks. It’s important to communication expectations so students can display appropriate behaviors even if they are learning online.

Teaching Expectations are Important
Most students, especially primary students, will have little to no experience with distant learning. I mean, I barely have little to no experience teaching online, so we must prepare our students for this new experience.
Here’s what’s covered:

I’ve added a printable and digital version of this resource to my good choice / poor choice sort worksheets. I have also updated it to include digital options for virtual teaching.

These sorts are now digital! You can assign them in your Google Classroom.

This sort is in my resource library. Click here to get this sort.
If you want the printable and digital version good choice/poor choice sorts, you can grab them HERE. I hope this learn at home digital sort helps you communicate expectations to your students.
Do you need more digital activities? Read about these fun phonics activity!
Happy Teaching,