Kindergarten Hands-On Math Centers: Addition
In this blog post, I am going to share TWENTY hands-on addition math center activities you can implement during your math block! Don’t forget to grab the free math center activity at the end of the blog post!

In Kindergarten, students begin to add and subtract. In addition, they learn how to solve put together and add to addition number sentences and math stories.
We want students to draw and use manipulatives to solve number sentences and math stories. We also want them to use number bonds, number lines, number paths, and part-part-whole. We want students to see that two parts make a whole, or total. Whew! That’s a lot!
Here are some activities that you can use to accomplish these goals and keep learning engaging.
Act it Out: In the Cafeteria
Students act out addition math stories.

Act it Out: In the Gym
Students act out addition math stories.

Spin and Add
Students will add using two spinners and draw a picture to solve.

Task Card Addition
Students solve addition number sentences.

Books on a Shelf
Students act out addition math stories and record an equation.

Chocolate Chip Addition
Students will roll a die and add that many “chocolate chips.” They will write an equation and solve to find the sum.

Add and Draw
Students select a task card, draw a picture to solve it, and write an equation.

Addition: Number Line
Students use a number line to solve.

Addition: Ten Frame
Students solve number sentences using a ten frame.

Count the Stars
This is a partner activity. Pick a card and say the sum. The player to get to the finish line first wins!

Roll and Solve
Students roll the die twice. They add the two numbers to find the sum and write an equation.

Roll, Count On, and Cover
Students roll the die, count on, and cover the answer.

Soccer Addition
Students roll the die twice, add up the two numbers to find the sum, and write an equation.

Flip and Add
Students flip two cards and add the sums. They draw a picture to show their work.

Roll and Add More
Students roll a die, add the two numbers and solve.

Pick and Add
Students pick a task card and use a number line to solve.

Number Bond Addition
Students solve addition equations using a number bond.

Solve and Find: Make 5 and Make 10
Students solve to make 5 and find the missing addend on the mat and cover it.

Addition Puzzle
Students match the equation to the sum.

Also Included:
Addition Counting Booklet
Printable Worksheets
Grab all these Activities
You can purchase all of these hands-on addition math center activities here!
Addition Math Center Freebie
You can never have too many math center activities. Here’s a freebie from my Addition Math Center packet. You can grab this low-prep activity by completing the form below.
What do you use to teach addition? Let me know in the comments section below!
Happy Teaching!