Kindergarten End of the Year Review Math Centers
The year is ending, and it’s time to review the kindergarten math concepts you taught throughout the year. Here are some fun, hands-on activities that keep your students engaged with little prep time.
You’re tired at the end of the year, and your students are antsy! They’re ready for summer, but you still have a few days left of instruction. Here are some summer-themed activities to review math and still foster math talk and collaboration.
2D and 3D Shapes
In Kindergarten, we want students to know the attributes of 2D and 3D shapes using vocabulary words like sides, corners, faces, vertices, and edges. For these activities, students spin and cover the shape that matches the attribute described.

Shape Builder
We also want students to know how to compose shapes using other shapes. Students use pattern blocks to build shapes.

1 More and 1 Less
Students write one more and less than a given number.

10 More and 10 Less
Students write ten more and less than a given number.

Spin and Count On
Students count on from a given number.

Spin and Compare: More Than
Compare two numbers using more than or greater than.

Spin and Compare: Less Than
Spin and compare two numbers using less than or fewer than.

Pick, Build, and Show
Decomposing teen numbers are kindergarteners’ introduction to place value. For this activity, students pick a teen number and show it as ten and some ones.

Find the Sum
For this activity, students solve the number sentences, and find and cover the sum on the mat.

Flip, Solve and Cover
Solve the number sentence and cover the answer. This interactive activity will have students solve to find the missing addend using number bonds.

Measure Up
Students will compare the length of beach objects. To get students discussion math, have them compare which objects are longer or shorter than others.

Count and Graph
Students will count, graph, and analyze the data.

Roll, Add, and Cover
Roll, add, and cover the number. The goal is for students to add numbers with sums within 12.

Roll and Take Away
This is an exciting partner activity. Roll and take away that many objects. Then, they will stack the cubes they collected and compare the length of their cubes using longer and shorter. The person with the longest tower wins.

Here’s a link to Roll and Take Away.
Here’s the link to get all these interactive activities.
What are your go-to end-of-the-year activities? Let me know in the comment section below.
Happy Teaching!
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