How to Celebrate the 100th (and 120th!) Day of School

Here are some more ideas to celebrate the 100th day of school. I have shared a few activities my students enjoyed so I’m going to add them to the list with these activities.

The 100th day of school is not only about counting to 100, and it’s about celebrating that we are 100 days smarter. Here are some ideas and activities you can incorporate throughout the day. 

Math Activities

Sequencing Numbers

All you need are number cards! Students collaborate and put the numbers in order from 1 – 100. If you have links, you can have students link the numbers together. 

Read and Cover

Students pick a card, say the number, and cover it on the number chart. Read and Cover is another interactive, collaborative activity. 

100th Day of School Necklace

I used to make the 100th day of school necklace using fruit loops because they’re cheap. However, if you are in a school where you can’t handle food or want them to have a memento to commemorate this day, you can have them make the 100th day of school necklace. You will need to purchase beads and string.

Note: To help them keep track, they make groups of 10 using the recording sheet and use different colors. 

I can count to 100!

You can use this activity for morning work or early finisher work. Students write numbers 1-100 to create a number chart. 

Cover and Roll to 100

For this activity, you will need a dice and a crayon. Students roll the dice and color in that many pennies until they reach 100. 

100 Days Smarter Writing Prompt

Students write what they learned since being in school for 100 days. Here are some ideas you can write about.  

100 Words Challenge 

This activity is a great way to incorporate counting to 100 during different subjects. Students write 100 words they know. To add to the excitement, time students (i.e., give them 5 or 10 minutes) to write as many words they know. My students love this activity, and some will write more than 100 words. 

How to Celebrate the 100th (and 120th!) Day of School

I can eat 100…

What can you eat 100 times over? Have students write and share!

I Wish I had 100…

What do you wish you had? Have students write, draw, and share! 

Before I am 100

Have students write what they wish to do before they turn 100. 

These are some of the ideas I had used in the past? Let me know in the comments section below.

Don’t forget to grab these 100th day and 120th day of school activities.

Happy Teaching,


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