Graphing Activities for Your Math Groups

Let’s talk about how to teach our students how to analyze data using hands-on learning. In kindergarten, students sort and classify objects. They learn to sort by color, size, and shape. In first grade, students take what they sorted and display their information into data and charts. 

They begin to add titles to their graphs, add labels, and discuss what they learned from the data using words such as more, less, fewer, equal, or the same. They also learn how to talk about data by comparing quantities, making predictions, and explain why they think the data looks the way it does. 

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

These lessons are invaluable. They learn how to collect data in different ways. Data can be collected using pictures, tallies, or sticky notes! It also doesn’t matter the orientation of the paper; the information will remain the same. They use counting strategies and addition and subtraction to explain data points. In second grade, they create and interpret pictures and bar graphs, so these activities prepare them for what’s next. 

Here are some hands-on activities you can use to teach or provide practice in representing and interpreting data. 

Button Sorting Task Cards 

Pick a task card and sort buttons according to the rule. 

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Sorting Circle

Sort shapes by color, shape, or size.

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Daily Questions

Ask students a question daily and analyze the data collected.

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Spin, Sort, and Analyze

Analyze data collected using color tiles. 

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Spin, Sort, and Analyze – Counting Bears

Analyze data collected using counting bears.

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Spin, Sort, and Analyze – Counting Cubes

Analyze data collected using counting cubes. 

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Roll and Graph Shapes

Roll and graph shapes. 

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Grab and Graph: Pattern Blocks

Grab a handful of pattern blocks, count how many of each shape, and graph the data. 

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Roll and Graph

Roll a die and graph which numbers you land on. 

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Favorite Snack: Spin, Tally, and Graph

Spin, tally, and graph information about favorite snacks.  

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Favorite Writing Tool: Spin, Tally, and Graph

Spin, tally, and graph information about favorite writing tools. 

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

The Best Class Pet: Spin, Tally, and Graph

Spin, tally, and graph information about the best class pet. 

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Tally, Graph, and Analyze: Favorite Recess Activity 

Count, tally, and graph the information provided. 

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Tally, Graph, and Analyze: Best Vegetable 

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Tally, Graph, and Analyze: Animals Spotted in the Schoolyard 

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Flip, Graph, and Analyze: Lunch Orders

Create a bar graph using the information provided and analyze the data. 

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Flip, Graph, and Analyze: Shoe Orders

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Shake, Spill, and Graph

I love shake and spill activities! In this version, students shake and spill two-colored counters, graph, and analyze the information. 

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Graphing Teen Numbers

First, graph teen numbers on a bar graph. Next, ask a partner questions about the data collected. Last, the partner will answer them. 

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Tally Puzzle

Match the number, the picture, and the tallies. 

Hands-on graphing and data activities for kindergarten and first grade.

Survey, Graph, and Analyze

First, students come up with a question to ask several peers. Then, they ask their question. Last, they graph and analyze the data they collected. 

Graph and Analyze Data 

Graph and analyze digital activity made for Google Classroom and Seesaw

There are a ton of ways to teach students how to represent and interpret data. What activities do you use? Let me know in the comments section below. 

Get these activities

You can grab all of these graphing activities by clicking the link below. 

Graph and Data Math Center Freebie

You can never have too many math center activities. Here’s a freebie from my Graph and Data Math Center packet. You can grab this low-prep activity by completing the form below. 

Click here for more hands-on math activities. 

Happy Teaching, 


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