Fun Ways to Teach Number Recognition 1 to 10

In this blog post, I will share strategies to teach students to recognize and count from 1 to 10. These activities are low prep and keep your students engaged for a small group lesson. Students will practice numbers 1 to 10 using a ten frame and objects. 

Number sense is understanding the relationship between numerals and quantities. That means seeing the number 5 and representing it using objects and pictures. This also means they can compare numbers, such as knowing that 5 is less than 7 or 7 is more than 5. They also understand the plus, minus, and equal signs and how they work (more on that here and here). 

For now, let’s focus on numbers 1 to 10. Students that do not have a strong foundation in numbers sense will have a difficult time understanding other mathematical concepts. 

Here are some core concepts:

  • Students should have 1:1 correspondence (as they count objects, each number they say matches with one object they touch). 
  • The last number said is how many items are in the group. 
  • No matter how the objects are arranged, they understand that number is still that number (5 is 5, whether in a straight line, circle, or array). 
  • As they count, each number represents 1 more than the last number said 
  • They can match numbers to a set of objects (the number 5 and 5 objects)

Get more low-prep, hands-on math center activities here.

Hands-on Activities 

Use Counting Cards and Objects 

There are lots of effective ways to get students to count. You can have them act it out (jump 1 time, hop 1 time, etc.), or they can build the number using manipulatives. 

Fun Ways to Teach Number Recognition 1 to 10

Students select a card and build the number using links for this activity. The goal is to get students to explore counting by touching and sliding, saying one number name as each object is touched. Then, we want them to say how many objects are in the group. As they engage in the activity, they will also notice that each number is 1 more than the last. 

Remember to model counting, count with your students, and then have them count on their own if they are ready. 

Use Five Frames or Ten Frames 

Five and ten frames are great math tools. They help students keep track of their counting. As an extension, have students choose a number card to show the number of objects they counted. 

Fun Ways to Teach Number Recognition 1 to 10

In this activity, students count dot cards in different configurations and show that number using a five or ten frame. They then write the number. This activity help students count objects arranged in different ways, practice 1:1 correspondence, and practice touch and count. 

Counting Different Configurations 

This activity will get students to discuss math. Ask students how we can count the dots on the card and how we can keep track of the number. Some students may count on or use a pencil to mark and keep track of their count. There are various ways to count, and this activity allows students to share how they count. 

Fun Ways to Teach Number Recognition 1 to 10

During this time, observe how students count and ask them to share how the cards are similar or different. This will lead to a discussion about quantities. 

Students will also practice counting, cardinality, and writing numbers. 

Get more numbers activities 

You don’t have to start from scratch to get these activities. You can grab them below. There are 21 low-prep activities, a counting book, and a digital game. 

You can use these activities in small groups, math centers, or fun. Students are engaged when they learn these lessons. 

What strategies do you recommend to teach students numbers 1 to 10? Let me know in the comments below. 

Get more low-prep, hands-on math center activities here.

Happy Teaching,


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