
SIX Quick and Fun 100th Day of School Activities

I’m going to share five quick and fun 100th day of school activities! These activities are hands-on, engaging and can be done in-class or during distant learning.

I love these activities because they require little to no prep and can incorporate during your math and literacy blocks. It also reinforces counting to 100!

Write Numbers to 100

This is a simple activity that you can do during a math center. Students write numbers 1 to 100. To make it more fun, you can use different colored crayons, and “rainbow” write their numbers. For students that may need additional support, you can have them work with a partner.

100 Counting Collection

My students love this activity! I like it because it is the perfect math center activity and it is low prep. Students make a collection of 100! They can use buttons, bears, stickers, cubes, or whatever you have in the classroom.

For students who need help counting t0 100, I wrote 10 to 100 on paper plates and instructed them to put 10 objects on each plate. This will ensure that they made a collection of 100 objects!

100th Day of School Necklace

This is a classic 100 day of school activity for all the right reasons. It’s another low prep activity and students practice counting to 100 using 1:1 correspondence with a yummy treat. All you need is a recording sheet, string, and fruit loops. They also get to eat it when they are done (with your or their parent’s permission, of course!)

100th Day Hat

You got to deck your students out in the 100th day of school gear! The simplest way to do this is by making the 100th day of school hat. This hat could be 100 stickers or putting numbers in order. This may be more work for you since you will have to take butcher paper and cut long strips that can fit around your students’ heads, but it’s so worth it.

I use black butcher paper for this activity, so it looks like the bus is on the road. I also let them use their white crayons to draw the road.

Grab this hat at the end of the post.

100 Cup Tower

This is another classic 100th day of school game. Students build a tower using 100 cups. To make it a STEM challenge, you can have them build the tallest tower.

This activity is no prep, but you are going to buy 100 red cups. The good news is you can save them for the following year.

Digital 100th Day of School Activities

I ALMOST didn’t do the 100th day of school activities this year because I am teaching online due to the pandemic and there’s no way I can do the activities listed above. HOWEVER, I came up with an idea. I created the 100th day of school digital activities and games for distant learning!

These are fun activities that all students will enjoy and can participate in! You can use these activities for virtual or in school learning!

Here are the 8 activities you can choose from:

100 Digital Stickers – Put 100 colorful, smiling digital stickers on the slide

If I had $100 Dollars – Make a list of what you would do if you had $100

Before I’m 100 Years Old – Make a list of what you would do before you turn 100 years old

100 Seconds – Perform physical activities for 100 seconds each

100 Cubes – Create a picture using 100 cubes

Count and Type – Count and type the missing numbers

Read Aloud – Listen to a story, encourage parents to come in and read their favorite 100th day of school book to the class

Mystery Pictures – Listen to the teacher as she/he calls out numbers. Cover the number using cubes to reveal the mystery picture

All of these activities include a digital version and printable version. They also come with instructions for in-class or virtual use.

Well, that’s all I got! What do you do to celebrate the 100th day of school? Let me know in the comments section below.

Don’t forget to grab your 100th day of school hat FREEBIE!

You can also get these digital 100th days of school activities by clicking on the link below.

Click here for more counting to 100 activities.

Happy Teaching!


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