how to differentiate your sight word instruction

Hands-on sight word activities

Are you looking for new ways to teach sight words so they stick AND are hands-on with no cut and glue worksheets? Well, keep reading! I’m going to share 18 sight word games that will spice up your instruction. Don’t forget to grab the freebie below!

How to Use

These sight word activities include a list of Fry’s 100 Sight Words for First Graders. There are blank card and list templates you can use to create your own word list included!

You can have all students work on the same sight words or work on sight words based on the data you collected. I differentiate my sight word list because I want my students to work on words they don’t know and review the ones they do.

My students get a new word list every week. If they did not master the words from the week prior, then those same words will reappear on the list next week. What I like about a weekly sight word list is that students can self-monitor their progress by putting a checkmark next to the sight word they can read AND spell.

Sight Word Games

Mix and Fix Them!

This is a partner game. Player 1 mixes up the letters of a sight word and Player 2 puts the letters in the correct order.

Sight word activity - mix up the letters and have another student put them in correct order.

Roll and Write

Roll and write six targeted sight words.

Roll and Write sight words

Rainbow Read and Write

Rainbow write six sight words or write six sight words in a sentence.

Sight word activity - rainbow read and write

Read, Write, and Stamp

Read, write and stamp the sight words.

Sight word activity - read, write and stamp sight words

Read, Write, and Stamp

Read, write and stamp their sight words using play dough.

Sight word activity - read, write and stamp sight words

Read, Write and Build

Read, write and build the word using letters.

Sight word activity - read, build and write sight words

Read, Write, and Build

Read, write and build the sight word using letter beads.

Sight word activity - read the word, build the word and use the word in a sentence.

Build It and Write It

Read the word, build and write the word using alphabet letters.

Sight word activity - build the word and use it in a sentence.

Roll, Read and Use in a Sentence

Roll the die, write the word and use it in a sentence.

Sight word activity - roll the die, read the word and use it in a sentence.

What’s Missing?

This is a partner game. One partner writes a word with missing letters. The other player writes the word.

Sight word activity - Here's a fun partner activity! One student write a sight word with missing letters and the another student solves it!

Build the Sight Words

Students build their sight words using alphabet cards.

Sight word activity - build the sight word using letter cards

Spin, Read and Write

Students spin the spinner and write the word it lands on.

Sight word activity - spin, read and write the word in a sentence.

Sight Word Shapes

Spin the spinner, write the word it lands on the recording sheet.

Sight word activity - students write the sight word on the shape they land on.

Find and Write

Pick a sight word, circle the letters in the sight word and use the word in a sentence.

Sight word activity - find the letters in the sight word and use the word in a sentence.

Spin, Read and Write a Sentence

Write the sight word the spinner lands on in a sentence.

Sight word activity - spin, read and write your sight word using a marker, crayon or pencil

Build It Cards

Students build the sight word using the building tool of their choice.

Sight word activity - build the sight word

Trace, Build, and Write

Trace the sight word with your finger, build the sight word with alphabet letters and write the word in a sentence.

Sight word activity - trace the sight word with your finger, build it and use it in a sentence

Sight Word Cards

Fry’s 100 sight words for first grade.

Sight Word List

Fry’s 100 sight words for first grade – 10 words per list

Download Spin and Cover by clicking the link below:

Do you like this resource? You can purchase it by clicking the link below.

How do you teach sight words in your classroom? Let me know in the comment section below.

I hope you gained some ideas for hands-on sight word activities you can implement in the classroom. Click here for more writing ideas!

Happy Teaching!


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