Addition Math Centers for First Graders
I’m going to share hands-on addition math center activities for first graders. In kindergarten, we introduce students to addition. They learned how to compose and decompose numbers within 10. They also wrote number sentences. In first grade, they learn expressions (i.e., 5+5) and the different ways to represent equations (5+5=10 and 10=5+5).
Our firsties begin to learn the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction. We usually teach addition and subtraction separately, then teach students how they are related. This blog post will focus only on addition and the next blog post will focus on addition and subtraction.
Here are some other skills that students will learn:
- Doubles (6+6)
- Doubles +1 (6+7)
- Solve word problems and number sentences with three addends
- Using word problems to solve addition problems
- Find the unknown part in addition word problems
We want students to solve these problems by using objects, drawing pictures, writing number sentences, writing statements, and doing mental math. Students will learn how to do this with direct instruction and practice. And let’s not forget that we want them to explain or describe how they solved these problems.
Phew! That’s a lot, I know. In second grade, students will work with bigger numbers and explore two-step problems. So, we are laying the foundational skills to prepare them for more extensive and challenging concepts.
I have 17 addition activities that you can use to teach students these concepts so students engage with these lessons and practice.
Math Facts Cards
If you still have students that struggle with their double facts or ways to make 10 facts, these cards can help them in their time of need.

Roll, Solve and Cover: Make 10
Being able to make 10 quickly is an essential skill in first grade. It will help them solve math problems more efficiently and will prepare them for more challenging work. These activities can be used as a refresher or provide additional practice for students that need it.
Roll and cover the missing addend that will make 10.

Spin and Graph: Make 10
Spin, solve and graph the ways to make 10.

Flip It and Solve It
Solve number sentences with three addends.

Make 10: Number Bonds
Solve number sentences using number bonds.

Double Plus One Game Board
This is a partner game. Students solve double plus one number sentences.

Solve and Cover: Doubles Facts
This is a partner activity. First, flip a card. Then solve. Last, cover up the sum on your side of the game board. The first player to cover their board wins.

Word Problems: Three Addends
Solve word problems with three addends by drawing a picture and writing a number sentence.

Matching Game: Cumulative Property
Match the two number sentences by flipping the addends.

Spin and Show It Two Ways
Show two ways to write number sentences by flipping the addends.

Balancing Equations
Match two number sentences with the same sum.

Roll and Write
Create a balance equation. Roll the dice twice. Add the two numbers to get the sum. Write an expression with the same sum on the other side of the equal sign.

Make It Equal
Solve to find the missing addend.

Word Problem Task Cards
We spent a lot of time on word problems this year. Students had to read or listen to the story, figure out what they are solving for, write a number sentence, draw a picture, and solve. The key is for students to know what they are trying to figure out. I always ask my students, “What are we solving for, and how do you know? Are we solving for a missing part or finding the sum?”
To help them, we use number bonds to fill in what we know. My students improved with practicing word problems, sharing how they solved the problem with the class, and showing their work for feedback.

Addition Problems
Students solve vertical addition number sentences.

Make It Double Booklet
Draw pictures to solve number sentences using double facts.
Word Problem Worksheets
These worksheets will give students additional practice with solving word problems with three addends, double facts, and a missing addend.
Addition Digital Game
Students select the missing number to balance the equation.
What are some additional activities you use? Let me know in the comments section below.
Grab these math activities
Get all these activities by clicking here or the link below.
Addition Math Center Freebie
You can never have too many math center activities. Here’s a freebie from my Addition Math Center packet. You can grab this low-prep activity by completing the form below.
Need more inspiration? Check out my Pinterest board to get more first-grade math ideas!
Happy Teaching!