Addition Activities for First Graders

First grade is essential for honing key math skills; students will learn several concepts during this time. Here are three math concepts covered in first grade: doubles plus one, adding two-digit numbers, and using number bonds to compose teen numbers. 

Doubles Plus One

The concept of doubles plus one is important for first graders to master. Doubles plus one refers to adding a number to itself (doubling) and then adding one more—for example, 3+3=6 and 6+1=7. We want students to notice patterns so they can become fluent in solving addition and subtraction. To help students learn doubles plus one, teachers can use manipulatives, such as counters or blocks, to help students visualize the process.

Adding Two-Digit Numbers

Another important concept that students will learn in first grade is how to add two-digit numbers. This concept involves understanding place value and being able to add the values of the digits in each column. For example, to add 23+14, students would add the tens place (2+1=3) and the ones place (3+4=7) to get a total of 37.

We also review adding numbers within 20. They can use manipulatives, count on, or use what they know about doubles to solve. 

Using Number Bonds

Addition Activities for First Graders

Number bonds are a visual tool that can help students understand the relationship between numbers. With a number bond, they identify the two parts that add up to a whole number. Students can use number bonds to help them understand addition, subtraction, and other math concepts like multiplication and division.

The goal is to give students strategies to solve more complex addition problems. For example, they can use doubles plus one to break down a problem like 7+8 into 7+7+1 and then use number bonds to visualize the parts of the problem. They can then use their understanding of adding two-digit numbers to get the final answer.

Get More Addition Strategies 

By mastering concepts like doubles plus one, adding two-digit numbers, and using number bonds, students can build a strong foundation for future math learning. 

You can get more activities to help first graders practice addition using my hands-on addition math centers. This resource is specifically designed for first graders. 

Teachers and parents can use various techniques to help reinforce these concepts, such as using manipulatives, visual aids, and games to make learning math fun and engaging.

Happy teaching,


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