Fun and Low-Prep Activities to Teach Coin Attributes

Teaching kindergarten and first-grade students about the value of coins can be challenging, but using hands-on activities can make the learning experience more engaging and fun. 

Here are some ways to teach young students about the value of coins using hands-on activities.

Money, Money, Money!

Coin sorting

 Provide students with various coins and ask them to sort them by value. This activity helps students identify each coin and its value.

Coin exchange

Use play coins and give students a specific amount to exchange. One of my students’ favorite games is Don’t Go Bankrupt. For this activity, they start with ten cents and then add and subtract based on the card they flip. Not only do they become familiar with the value of coins, but they also add and subtract. 

Coin Counting

Provide students with various coins and ask them to count them up to a specific value. This activity helps students practice their counting skills while learning the value of coins. Check out the digital version of this game.

Shopping Games

Set up a pretend store in the classroom and give students a set amount of play money. To make it more engaging and creative, have students set up their shops so other students can shop around. They can use the money to “buy” items in the store and practice counting out the correct amount of coins for each purchase.

Coin Puzzles

Create puzzles with pictures of different coins and their values. Students can match the images and values to complete the puzzles.

Roll and Show

If you are looking for a partner activity, this one is for you. Students take turns rolling a die with a peer, moving that many places, and building the amount. This activity will help students become fluent with coin value.

More Coin Counting Activities 

These hands-on coin-counting activities will help kindergarten and first-grade students better understand the value of coins. 

Grab more counting activities here. 

By providing hands-on and interactive experiences, students can learn in an enjoyable and meaningful way. 

How do you teach students the value of coins? Let me know in the comments section below.

Happy teaching,


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