
End of the Year Gift Ideas!

Free end of the year gift tags for students presents!

I love going on Pinterest and checking out all of the creative end-of-the-year gift ideas! There are so many great ways to show students that you appreciate them, such as memory books and character awards.

I have some personal rules about gift-giving to students. One, it should be non-edible. No treats or snacks. Two, it should be something that students can do with it or incorporate some kind of gross or fine motor skills.

Here’s a list of free gifts you can get for your students. Click on the link at the end of the article to grab the gift tags.


I went to the Dollar Store and bought a pack of 3 bubbles for $1. Score!

Free end of the year gift tags for students presents!


Markers are a great way to encourage students stay creative and write during the summer!

Free end of the year gift tags for students presents!

You can also give a coloring book for those students that like to color.

Free end of the year gift tags for students presents!

Jump Rope

Here’s another gift to get students outside and engaging in physical activity!

Free end of the year gift tags for students presents!

Water Bottle

This is a great gift that students can use throughout the summer!

Free end of the year gift tags for students presents!

Beach Ball

You can have students sign each other’s beach ball as a memento.

Free end of the year gift tags for students presents!

Play dough

Another classic end-of-the-year gift that’s hands-on and students can get creative.

Free end of the year gift tags for students presents!

Grab these gift tags by clicking on the link below:

What are your favorite end-of-the-year gifts to give to your students? Let me know in the comments section below.

Happy Teaching!


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